Discover the power and versatility of the MAXUS T90. With its rugged design and advanced features, the MAXUS T90 is ready to conquer any terrain. Experience exceptional performance with its powerful engine and spacious interior, perfect for both work and leisure. Trust in MAXUS’ commitment to quality and reliability, backed by a comprehensive warranty. Explore the MAXUS T90 range and find the perfect vehicle to meet your needs. Get behind the wheel and unleash the true potential of the MAXUS T90 today.
MAXUS T90 | |
Lease Type: | Business Contract Hire |
Initial Rental Amount | £4,491.00. (excl. VAT) |
Monthly Payment | £499.99 (excl. VAT) |
Contract length: | 60 months |
Payment Profile | 1 x Initial rental followed by 59 monthly payments |
Annual Mileage Allowance: | 8000 miles |
Excess Mileage Charge: | 8.82p per mile |
Maintenance: | Not included |